
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Busy Mind...

What kind of blogger only updates their blog every month or so?
Well, maybe it’s the kind that doesn’t want to overwhelm you with too much media to keep up with.
Or maybe it’s the kind that has nothing to say.
Or maybe it’s the kind that works fifty-five hours a week besides trying to write a book, promote the ones she’s already written, and maintain some kind of relationship with her family.
Yep, that would be me.
Although, in truth, some days it seems that while I have a lot to say, none of it sounds all that interesting, even to me, so I prefer to keep it to myself. It’s very sad when your own thoughts make you yawn with boredom.
So, I thought I would give you a quick update on what I’ve been up to.
Home care, of course. I am with my client six days a week, and he has become much more than a client to me; he is part of my extended family and a big priority in my life.
Hanging out with my grandkids. They are all amazing, but my biggest projects right now are playing guitar with one of them, and BIG NEWS: I am collaborating with my granddaughter on a children’s book. I did the writing, she is doing the illustrations. She is very talented, and I am excited to see the end results.
Promoting the books I have already written. Thanks to all who came out to my first reading at the Buchanan Art Center. It was great fun, especially the question and answer period. I will be set up at Shipshewana on the Road in Kalamazoo March 23 &24, along with my brother Sam, who will be selling his cigar box guitars. Amazing stuff, people! Check them out at
I also recently discovered I had not made Rainie Whether available on Kindle. I have corrected that error, and it is now there for you.
Speaking of errors, I am also working on writing book five, Rainie Err. This time around, Rainie makes a huge error in judgment… not her first time… but this one might well get her and someone she is very fond of killed…
In between doing all of that, I am also preparing my other series, The Red Wolves, for reissue, under the name Melody Muckenfuss. My plan of using Mel Kindley (my maiden name) to avoid confusion has backfired, and I plan to right that. Also, I am going to reissue the Rainie Series clearly marked “book one” “book two” and so on, so if you have a copy of the originals hang on to them… they may yet become collector’s editions.
So, enough of this, I had better quit blogging and get back to work…