
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A walk in the woods

Our paths in life are not laid out by engineers and civil architects with training in efficiency and logic. Rather, they are cut through the undergrowth as we go, twisting and twining across and adjacent to the paths of others, sometimes becoming one path.
If you have ever followed a wildlife trail, you will see that it often seems random, but really, it isn’t. Deer follow a path that offers the least resistance and offers the most sustenance, with detours to avoid dangers and pitfalls. So do we, although if we are fortunate, we also diverge enough to view a spectacular sight, and pause to take in the details.
Now and then, fear will cause us to rush headlong through the brush, stumbling and breaking our toes and accumulating scratches from the thorns we can’t avoid, and if we run too far we can easily get lost. But most of us eventually find a safe clearing, and after a brief rest we go on, maybe far from our original trail, but once again on the move through this long hike called life.
Along the way we meet fellow travelers, and we might have the opportunity to help them find their clear path, or they might be able to help us find ours.  Others might block your path, even deliberately putting obstacles in your way; climb over them, or go around. Don’t just sit in the dirt and lament that the way has gotten too hard.
Many travelers will keep you company, and make the road seem shorter. Or maybe you will just walk along for a time in companionable silence.
No matter, whatever geography our life path follows, ultimately we are all going to the same destination.  Make the journey count.


  1. Well said and written, I hope Our paths stay the course, True Friends are Rare...

  2. Life is a path I love the way you can use something so simple to discribe the way you feel. I hope to make your life feel like a shorter path. I will alway want to walk with you
