
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Like a rock skipping across my stream of consciousness...

A sampling of this morning's thoughts...

The question is often asked, “If you could go back in time and change one thing about your life...” But all I can think of are the consequences that might come of that one change. My life is what it is because of ALL the events that have shaped it... and in the end, I wouldn’t risk losing the best parts of my life to eliminate the worst.

Why is it that the noise of my grandchildren screaming and running through the house is never as loud as when their parents did it?

My client told me the other day that all his aches and pains are worth it. They are the product of more than nine decades running, jumping & climbing while he worked and played, and he’s glad he did it all, and that he was able to do it all... I’m pretty sure there’s a life lesson to be learned there...

People ask me if the characters in my books are based on “real” people. I choose to not answer that, except to say “Truth is stranger than fiction.”

But that being said... many of the events in Rainie’s life are based on true stories.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if he had a wood stove?

And why would Sally sell seashells at the seashore when everyone could just pick them up for free? Or is it like the pet rock fad... it’s only cool if you pay too much for it?


  1. Your Client knows how to appreciate life, I would Love to meet Him.
    Cute ponderous questions, wood chuck and wood stove, I don't know.
    Sally would be aproud beggar...

  2. Time thing Right on, You are a genius

  3. It is true there are things I would change but I would never give up what I have. Things happen for a reason and I know in the end the trip has been worth it.I love the way your clients can see things from a different point of view it help me to look at things in another light.
